This is Clay the Capybara, you can move him around the forest and jump on the blocks with WASD/arrow keys, and spacebar. scroll and move the mouse wheel for camera controls and press 1 to emote!

Here is his bio from the miro board: 

Clay has always loved the idea of adventure. Being a teenager, he’s yearned to explore the world. He is very crafty and resourceful. He has immaculate posture, and considerable strength. In his free time, he works out and crafts simple weapons and models. He is the only capybara in his village that is able to stand on two feet. However, his village forbids him from travelling outside village borders, to keep all Capybara in safety and comfort. When he is older he hopes to change this rule, and go where no other Capybara has gone.

check out my Miro board for the entire process here

I want to make some kind of 3d platforming game with this, stay tuned

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